Thursday, June 9, 2011


Looking for the birds she heard out the window and climbing as high as she can to find them:201106 June 037201106 June 047201106 June 046

Sophia loves to look for and listen to birds. “Bird” was one of the first signs she used consistently, even before milk and all done.  I’ve seen more robins, blue jays, cardinals, crows, and other birds I can’t identify this year than any other.  It reminds me of my Grandma McCracken who could identify any bird I pointed out. I love that my kids open my eyes and help me be amazed by the world God made and put right in front of me.


Jennifer said...

So precious. I love her smile in that third picture.

Julie said...

Aria is enjoying looking at the videos and pictures and saying "fia"!

Karen H said...

Wow, what a climber!