Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Days

I ran into a former co-worker the other day and was at a loss as to how to describe my life these days.  Maybe these pictures will help. 

We’ve been enjoying the outdoors: taking care of flowers, building a retaining wall, painting our front porch rail, swinging on the new swing set, picnicking with PB&J, splashing in the water at the splash pad (Sophia), and avoiding the water at the splash pad (Caleb). 

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Tired of cheesy grins, Caleb began “eating” the leaves:

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If he didn’t enjoy this so much, it’d be a great time-out spot-- 

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Middle of the day hugs and smiles--

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Random decisions to be gross while Sophia’s cuddling with Mommy--

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Trumpeting, just like her older brother--

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So what have I been up do lately?  Random, silly, and simple things. 

1 comment:

KH said...

It is hard to really explain to people what our days are like, but I think you did a great job! Looks like camping was fun too. :)