Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sophia Snapshot

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As Sophia is talking more and more, I’m realizing how little Caleb communicated with words.  He made his opinion known, but not usually with words.  Sophia, on the other hand, is beginning to be a little chatterbox.  Some of my favorite words that she says include “smoothie” (moo-ieee!) and “pajamas” (JJJamma).

She continues to be a regular houdini.  This is how I found her one morning in her crib:

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Reminded me of this:201006 June 088

She also has a mild obsession with shoes, which is just fine until she wants to wear her church shoes in the sandbox or Caleb sees his shoes on her feet.

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Sophia continues to be a world-class snuggler and would prefer to be close to mama in new or overwhelming situations. But put her in a shopping cart (familiar) and she starts waving and saying “hi” to everyone she sees.

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