Sunday, October 28, 2012

Preschool Snapshots

As you know, I’m a bit behind in my blogging.  Here are a couple pictures from Caleb’s first day of his “friend preschool”—in September.  One day a week, he goes to a preschool co-op with 6 of his friends.  Sophia would love to join him!

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And here are some snapshots from our preschool time at home: 

Creating a lake and drawing ripples and wakes to show movement.  Caleb’s not into drawing, but he caught the concept.  On a walk around a pond several weeks later, Caleb said, “Mommy, look!  Look at the lines in the water!  The ducks are moving.”

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Counting all of Ping’s cousins and family members from The Story About Ping.  There were too many “cousin” blocks to stand up straight, so they had to sleep.  Caleb decided to “join” them.

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Here Caleb built a visual representation of our extended family so he could compare it to Ping’s family.  At first he only included one block for his sisters, but then he remembered that he actually has 2 sisters!

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This is a map of Alto, Ohio from the book Lentil.  We retraced Lentil’s steps all over town and talked about how his music made everyone smile.  2012 September 1662012 September 168

One week we also learned a little bit about the digestive system in conjunction with reading Madeline.  Here Caleb is “feeding” his paper self. 

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Showing Paper Caleb’s appendix. (Madeline had her appendix removed in the book, hence the importance of the appendix.)  The green and black yarn represent the large and small intestines.  Caleb was amazed to learn that the small intestines stretched most of the way down our hallway!

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It may seem arbitrary, but I only promised snapshots!

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