Saturday, January 19, 2008


Warning: Drama queen moment ahead.

Amazing what a few seconds can do to change your perspective. One moment I'm writing a list for the grocery store with thoughts of the job/no job debate running through my brain. A few moments later, I'm staring at my husband who has passed out at my feet. First of all, I realize I have no idea what to do in medical situations like this. I can't rouse him, and I don't know what to do. Then of course the proverbial flood of questions bombard me while I'm trying to figure out what to do. What if...? What if...? What if...? You can fill in the blanks.

I'm thankful for my husband. I'm thankful that he's very healthy. I'm thankful for an urgent care facility mere blocks from our house. I'm thankful for a slow morning at the said urgent care facility. I'm thankful for a soft surface to catch fainting husbands. I'm thankful for a God would still be God even if all the "what ifs" came true.

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