Saturday, January 26, 2008

Reasons to Stay Home

As I approach the final deadline for telling my work what I will do next year, I find myself resigned to resigning. And yet part of me really hates that. I don't want to resign myself to a course of action. I want to know why I'm choosing whatever I choose, so that when life gets difficult, I can focus of my purpose and not on the yuckiness. Either choice will be difficult. Staying home can be isolating. Working can be stressful and distracting. I don't want to stay home just because of peer or family pressure.

So here are some reasons why I'm considering staying home...
  1. I can teach my son the ways of God. This includes teaching, training, loving, disciplining, serving, and all sorts of things I don't even know yet. Granted, this is not excluded if I do work. Even if I do work, I have a responsibility to parent my son. Yet, there is a time factor that cannot be ignored. The more time I spend with my son, the more opportunities I have to take advantage of teachable moments and to model Christlike values. (That thought is very scary to me by the way. Who am I to model these values?)
  2. Daycare is not needed if I stay home. I know what my son experiences and how he's cared for.
  3. I would have more time to participate in ministry opportunities with my church. If I work, my time would be more limited and my ministry focused at work.
  4. We don't need my income. I don't work for the money involved. Every penny I've earned since we've been married has gone to a down payment on a house, giving, or long-term saving.
  5. I could pursue other careers--teaching piano lessons, getting a master's degree, teaching community college....

This decision would be a lot easier if I considered my job just a job. But I don't. I see my job as an opportunity to impact people, and that's why I work.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Hello Hello my Friend!! does the Kid have a name yet or are you just going to call it Kid or maybe even it for the rest of Its life. I can only image that would give your poor boy a complex. It is hard to image you as a parent not because you would be bad at it but more of a reflection as to my own life. Wow who says we are old enough to have kids anyways!?!?!?! Love the new mommy blog though. You have to post pictures as soon as It arrives!!!