Monday, May 25, 2009

A Birthday Blessing

To Caleb, on your first birthday,

You've been a blessing to me over the past year, a definite proof of God's gracious goodness. I love your giggles and smiles. I love the ways you explore the world, reminding me of the beauty and intricacies all around me. Through your neediness, I'm reminded of my own dependence on God's never-ending strength. When you learn something new, I feel almost as much joy as you do.

Over the next year, I pray you will continue to love learning. I hope you will have many, many opportunities to giggle and smile. In your explorations, I pray you will be physically safe, emotionally strong to take risks and try again when you don't succeed at first, and joyfully enthralled by God's wonderful creation. May your days be full of swinging, learning, and laughing.


1 comment:

Karen said...


I love reading your posts and learning more about you. Happy (belated) birthday Caleb!