Friday, May 29, 2009

One Year

One year ago

Two weeks ago

One year ago:

slept, ate, pooped, cried, ate, slept, opened his eyes, ate, slept, ate, slept, etc.


All of the above
and walking,
and running,
and shouting,
and squealing,
and making people laugh,
and exploring,
and swinging,
and reading books,
and playing with blocks,
and playing with tupperware,
and playing with shapes,
and playing with rocks,
and playing with leaves,
and playing with rocks, leaves, and tupperware all together,
and showing off his muscles,
and climbing up and down stairs,
and setting his shoes on his toes because he wants to go outside,
and smiling when Daddy comes home,
and using sign language to say "more," "milk," or "all done,"
and touching his nose,
and bouncing,
and ....

They say the years fly by. True.

Some days this past year did NOT fly by.

I'm glad.

Each day Caleb learned something new it seems.

I wouldn't want to miss that.

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