Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Catching Up

I haven’t had much time to write in the past few weeks, but here are some highlights…

Kudos: To the lady in the Target parking lot who kindly put away my shopping cart for me while I was putting my kids in their car seats.  You made my day!

Boo: To the angry man who glared at me in the public library.  Yes, I know my baby is screaming.  I pinched her just to annoy you.  (In the midst of all this, Caleb managed to sneak a book about some random breed of puppy into our stack of books when I wasn’t looking.  Are we in trouble? No, Caleb, we are NOT getting a dog.)

Kudos: To the awesome volunteers in the 8am and 6:30pm nursery at our church.  We’ll miss you!  You gave us a precious gift each week you loved on Caleb.  (We’re not moving to a different church, just to a different service time.) 

Kudos: To everyone involved in creating a space for moms and their noisy babies at our church where we can still participate in the worship service. While I can say I’ve gone to church the past month, I can’t say I’ve actually been in the service.  (Sophia likes to help the pastors pray.) 

Kudos: To Luke for coming home early on Friday!  That never happens!  (Well, obviously it does.) Luke’s been working super hard on stuff (that’s as technical as I’ll get here) at work, so I’m glad he gets a break.  (And the selfish side of me is glad I’m getting more breaks too!)

Luke and Caleb made a (surprise?) visit to Ottumwa last weekend to celebrate Father’s Day with the fam.  I wasn’t ready for the stress of traveling with Sophia, so she and I stayed home.  It was a nice change of pace.  It’s amazing what you can do with a baby who doesn’t move yet!  I remember being so excited when Caleb started crawling.  I’m sure I’ll be excited for Sophia as well, but I may be looking for an extra pair of eyes to lease.  Where did our moms get that extra set anyway?  Caleb came home from Ottumwa excited and tired.  He loves spending time at Grandpa and Grandma’s place.

After several weeks of eating a boring diet to see if Sophia’s pain was due to food sensitivities, I’m slowly adding foods back into my diet.  I’m thankful God made food with a variety of flavors and that he made those flavors taste good!  Kudos to all of you who have to follow strict diets all the time.  Your self-discipline is greater than mine.

Due to inclement weather (aka crazy Iowa thunderstorms), trips to the playground have been fewer.  We did manage to walk to the playground early this morning-before it got too humid for me to carry Sophia.  Caleb was so excited he wasn’t sure what to do with himself.  In the first 5 minutes he tried out 3 different types of swings, 2 ladders, and a couple slides.  Kudos to living near an elementary school with awesome playground equipment!

Sophia’s portable stage is nearing an end I think.  She doesn’t like to sleep in her car seat, so we may be staying home more than we have been lately.  Get out of the house and try consoling a screaming baby in public?  Stay home and find ways for a toddler to burn energy?  It’s a toss up.

So if you’ve survived this far, you’ve caught a glimpse of how we’ve been spending our days and weeks.  I, for one, am thankful for “ordinary” days and weeks like these! 


Nancy H. said...

Yay! So fun to hear about your world, Deborah :) Sounds like things are going pretty well for you guys! Can't wait to meet your little lady!

Andi said...

Feel free to drop in anytime. We'll take a screaming baby, no glaring at all. :) Plus we have a little pool or sprinkler for the kids to splash in and a sandbox as well.