Thursday, June 17, 2010

Children’s Book Collection

After an adventurous trip to the library, we have a new collection to choose from.  We had been reading the same books for about 2 months since I kept renewing the books we checked out just before Sophia was born.  In the collection:

Curious George:  What’s not to love about a mischievous monkey who never obeys and always gets rewarded for his mistakes?  (But he didn’t mean to make such a mess…. Oh, you didn’t mean to? Ok, here’s a puppy.)  George is a good reminder of the inequity of grace.  Even when my intentions are good, I tend to make a mess, and yet God redeems and restores me.  (He might even give me a “puppy” too.)

Blueberries for Sal: A classic. Written in the 1940s I believe. The English teacher in me likes the structure in this book.  It’s great for teaching kids how to make predictions and follow a plot.

I Love You Stinky Face: I love the concept of this book—a mama promising to love her child no matter what.  It’s still growing on Caleb.

This Is Me by Richard Scarry:  Caleb loves to look at all the pictures in this book.  It’s a great one for him to “read” by himself.

Green Eggs and Ham: Classic. No explanation needed. We read this a gazillion times the first week we brought it home. (One reason I like using the library: When we get tired of reading a certain book, we can return it.)

Dr. Seuss’ ABC: We’ve checked out the board book version of this before.  This early reader version is slightly different and longer.  This time around, it’s fun to see Caleb recognize and name different letters and sounds.  

Love You Forever: Cheesy, but hilarious book in the unconditional love category.  (Note to self: When there’s a “song” in a book, don’t give it a melody and actually sing it.  If you do, you’ll be singing it at 2 am, and 3 am, and 5 am…)

As always, I love to hear recommendations for good books.  Feel free to add your two cents!


Andi said...

I like Mama Always Comes Home. It's a cute little story and helps when we leave Miriam with a baby-sitter over night. We just took it back today.

ks said...

I remember Heather JOhnson's kids saying, "That LIghtning McQueen is going to do something foolish." So we give our books the same lessons. "That was a bad idea for her to run away from home. Now she's lost and scared." And I agree about liking being able to return something when I'm tired of it. We check out Veggie Tales CD's every time we're there.