Saturday, October 9, 2010

Drawing Lessons

201009 September 360

Caleb has been incessantly begging me to draw smiley faces for him.  Since I got tired of hearing his “smiley face!” litany, I’m trying to teach him how to draw his own.  Can you figure out which ones he drew? 

Since I know you’re curious, here are the instructions:

  1. Draw a circle.
  2. Draw 2 bumps. (Then say, “Eyes!” in a really excited voice.)
  3. Draw a V.  (Then say, “Mouth!” in a really excited voice.) 

As far as I know this is his first attempt to actually draw something more than squiggles, lines, and dots.  Maybe someday I’ll discover he’s been drawing elephants all along. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love it!

What a great artist you have!
