Friday, May 13, 2011

Letter O

Attribute of God: Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent
Ok, so Caleb doesn’t quite get these words yet, but he understands that God sees him wherever he is, that God knows how many hairs are on his head, that God is strong enough to do anything, and that God can find him wherever he goes.  Several times this week, we acted out Psalm 139 as we read it.  We also tried counting how many hairs are on our heads (Matthew 10:29-31).  We made it to 20 before giving up and saying “lots.” 

Bible Story: The Widow’s Offering from Luke 21:1-4
Another dramatic presentation.  Caleb got the big bag of toys representing the rich people bringing their offerings to the temple.  Sophia got the little bag carrying 2 toys representing the poor widow.  Which offering is bigger?  Even though the rich man gave more stuff, the widow gave more of her heart. 

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Song: Old MacDonald, Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord

Common vocabulary: octopus, owl, on, off, oatmeal, omni-, orchestra, opposites, OK, obey, omelet, onion, orange, offering, ocean

Books: Owl Moon (one of my favorites) and several non-fiction books about owls and oceans

Food: omelets, mandarin oranges, Cheeri-O-s, oatmeal cookies


  • Opposite game  (I say up, you say ____. I say loud, you say ____.)
  • Make oatmeal raisin cookies
  • Create an octopus (with 8 legs, 36 stickers, and a smiley face)201105 May 202
  • Create an ocean in an old soap container.  It included salt water, sand, rocks, seaweed (yarn), a shark, lots of little fish, an octopus, 2 shells, some starfish, a jellyfish, and 2 crabs.  Since we cut all the fish out of fun foam, they all float.  I guess we created a polluted ocean that killed all the fish off.  Caleb also took the opportunity to taste salt water.  A fun activity to do together and talk about even if it doesn’t look very pretty. 

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This week also included our second bike ride to the park.  I love listening to Caleb’s chatter as he and Sophia ride in the bike trailer.  Sophia’s not a fan of her helmet yet, but Caleb tries to convince her that it’s ok.  We’ll go to the park a few more times, and then I bet she’ll realize that the helmet is worth the reward. 

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