Friday, October 14, 2011

Hiking with Young Kids: Survival Guide

There are certain things that must be done when hiking with young kids. 

#1: Find the perfect walking stick

201108 August 531

#2: Measure height against trees

201108 August 590

#3: Use a backpack carrier for snugglers. 

201108 August 496

#4: Play backpack games (The tickling shark game started on our hikes in Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains.)

201108 August 953

#5: Let naps happen. 

201108 August 895

#6: Go at a slower pace.  Build rock towers. Pretend the huge boulder is a dump truck.  Battle the huge root system of a fallen tree with only a walking stick.  Take interest in what the kids find interesting, not just what you find interesting.

201108 August 1499201108 August 1515201108 August 648

#7: Give shoulder rides.

201108 August 512

#8: Bribe with food when necessary.

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