Sunday, February 26, 2012


Reading Charlotte’s Web together during snack time, we reach the part where Charlotte promises to save Wilbur from being killed.  I ask Caleb, “How do you think she will save him?”  Caleb responds, “Hook him to the ceiling with her web.  Mr. Zuckerman won’t be able to reach him.”  Love 3-year-old logic.


Me:  “Sophia just helped you, Caleb.  You should say, “Thank you for helping me, Sophia.”

Sophia: “Thank you, Fia, for helping.”


On coming home from church, Sophia usually tells us all about her morning in nursery with a single word, “Goldfish.”  Today she added to it by reciting all the friends she played with, “Noah, Andrew, Emmett, Alexander.”  How did she learn all their names?  And why are they all boys??


And the preschool jokes have begun as well. 

Caleb: Knock, knock.

Who’s there?

Caleb: Tractor!  (laughing hysterically)

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