Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

We started with the same Resurrection Eggs that we did last year.  (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)  They’ve been a hit again this year. 


Washing feet was one of the earlier days (and probably one of the most memorable).


We managed to make a salt dough mountain/tomb and decorate it with markers.  Peter must be looking for Jesus right now….


Jesus is alive!


And at the last minute, I decided to do un-Easter baskets.  (I came across the idea here.)  On Saturday we filled up our bags with rocks that we had written some of our sins on.  Then we covered over our bags with a red cloth symbolizing Jesus’ blood. 


The next day there was an extra bag.  Jesus had taken all our sins in his bag and given us so many good things.  Caleb’s bag contained a harmonica, The Merchant and the Thief by Ravi Zacharias, and a bag of candy.  Sophia’s contained a couple of egg shakers, a stuffed lamb, an arch book, and a bag of candy.  My little girl has a sweet tooth!


These led to some really good conversations with Caleb.  Mostly he wanted to keep his rocks, so I suggested he switch with Jesus again.  Would you rather have rocks or the harmonica?


How many times do I ask the same question?  Can I just be lazy and selfish today, God?  Can I give back the blessings you’ve given me for something that looks appealing to me now (but that is completely worthless)? 


Jenny Z said...

Thank you for sharing your ideas for how to celebrate Easter. It is such a powerful holiday to celebrate in little ways with our kids. I loved the un-Easter basket idea. (And hooray for Caleb getting a real harmonica!)

KH said...

Thanks for shairng about the un-Easter baskets...I'm going to check into that!