Monday, April 18, 2011

Resurrection Eggs

The excitement at the breakfast table has been high the past week.  Even Sophia practically jumps out of her chair, reaching for a plastic egg.  After eating breakfast, we open the new egg and tell a small part of the Easter story.  Depending on interest-levels and time, we may also read the rest of the Easter story. 

As a result of these eggs, we’ve heard things like, “Hosanna!” and “I’m going to cut off your ear, Daddy!”  I’m trusting that the truth we plant in our kids now will produce fruit…one day. 

201104 April 525Day 1: Jesus enters Jerusalem
Symbol: Leaf
Matthew 21; John 12
Activity: Act out Jesus coming to town using the springy, ride-on horse, leaves, and coats; Sing Shout Hosanna

Day 2: The Last Supper
Symbol: Bread and pretend cup
Mark 14, Matthew 26, Luke 22, John 13
Activity: Break and eat the bread and pretend to sip from the cup (The bread needed to be replenished multiple times.)

Day 3: Jesus Washes the disciples feet
Symbol: Washcloth
Mark 14, Matthew 26, Luke 22, John 13
Activity: Wash each other’s feet

Day 4: Jesus prays in Gethsemane
Symbol: Moon (cut out from construction paper) and kleenex
Mark 14, Matthew 26, Luke 22
Activity: Pray that God will help us do what he wants, not what we want.

Day 5: Judas
Symbol: 3 coins and a Hersey’s kiss
Matthew 26, 27; Luke 22

Day 6: Jesus is arrested
Symbol: Toothpick sword
Mark 14, Matthew 26, Luke 22, John 18
Activity: Act out Peter cutting of a guard’s ear and Jesus healing it

Day 7: Peter denies Jesus
Symbol: Feather
Mark 14, Matthew 26, Luke 22, John 18
Activity: Any good ideas for this one?  This part of the story isn’t in our picture story Bibles.  We’ve been reinforcing that Peter lied when he said he didn’t know Jesus because he was afraid. 

Story resources:

  • Mommy’s Bible
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
  • The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm
  • The Easter Story by Anita Ganeri (One I would not wholeheartedly recommend. It’s good except for the last few pages, which deal with more church tradition than the Easter story, so we skip those.)

This week we’ll continue through Jesus’ trial, death, burial, and resurrection. I’m also considering continuing past Easter to Jesus’ ascension into heaven. 

Don’t expect to see Letter N activities here for a few weeks.  We’re celebrating that Jesus is alive!

1 comment:

Karen H said...

Fabulous! I LOVE it!!