Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sophia at One: A Snapshot

201104 April 117Favorite game: pretending to eat

Favorite books: Hello Bee, Moo Ba La La La, That’s Not My Puppy

Favorite words (really her only words): Mama, Dada, box, ball, up, banana (nana), also signs ‘milk’

Favorite food: scrambled eggs

Favorite toy: Hammer Away! or the Resurrection Eggs

201104 April 221201104 April 155

Ticklish. World-class snuggler.  Helps me slow down and enjoy a game of peekaboo.  Likes to stay close to Mommy in big crowds.  Walking most of the time now.  Beginning to sign “milk” as a way of saying “I want something.”  Likes to watch the birds from the window.  Knows sign language for bird.  Doesn’t know the sign language for “more” or “all done.”  Would rather play than eat.   A source of joy.201104 April 243

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