Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Caleb at Four

  • spends 30% of his time upside down, usually on a sofa.
  • is a great big brother.
  • After playing with his Lego Castle set: “Do you know who got burned, Mommy? The hot oil fell on the green guy.  He needed sunscreen!”
  • bribed with a Starburst to walk bravely into his class at church.
  • loves reading stories.
  • is reading words/sentences like: “A man sat on a ram. That ram can not see.”  We’re about a quarter of the way through Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.
  • has a lively imagination.  Right now, he and Sophia are going strawberry picking, but there’s a monster who wants to eat his strawberries, so they need to get the hammer.  Now they’re going to pick some blueberries.  All in the basement of course.  The other day at the park, Caleb spent half the time driving the fire truck to put out fires at the merry-go-round, swings, and slides, all with siren and hose sound effects.
  • is curious. very curious. Curious enough to decide that he wanted to see if the hole at the top of the sink worked. It didn’t. He wasn’t as curious as to how to clean it up!
  • wants to figure out how everything works.  The other night at dinner, Caleb was asking all about the seal for the milk jug cap.  “Why is there a seal?  Why does it have this down thingy? Why does it have bumps?  Why is it a circle?  Why is there a seal?” Or on driving past a sprinkler: “Why is the sprinkler watering the grass?  Why is it going around? Why does it make noise when it goes around?” 


  • color: alternates between “all the colors” and “pink”
  • song: “Awesome God”
  • video: Leapfrog’s Word Factory series

1 comment:

KH said...

Those questions sure sound familiar! Have you ever eventually said, "I don't know" or "Why don't you ask Daddy when he gets home?"? :)