Saturday, June 9, 2012

Garden 2012

I finally took the plunge and put in a small garden.  I haven’t in the past due to a shady yard and the fear that my black thumb would make it an entirely unproductive and a waste of money.  We lost a tree several years ago, solving the shade problem.  The jury is still out on the black thumb. 


2012 097


2012 251

early June

2012 520

I planted veggies we actually eat, so I can see what I can/cannot grow and if it’s worth the time and effort.  We’ve harvested spinach and leaf lettuce already.  The peas are climbing their trellis.  I’m excited to pick some cilantro for Pad Thai later this week.  We also have sunflower, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, bean, tomato, and pepper plants growing.

Caleb and Sophia have loved helping to build and water the garden.  And they’ve been eating spinach right out of the garden!  Caleb thought going to the city’s “construction site” to pick up free compost was a great field trip, and he even helped haul the compost to the backyard.  So far the garden’s been a success.  We’ll see how the rest of the summer goes.  We may be doing battle with the squirrels.

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