Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Steps!

For weeks Caleb has been on the verge of walking. Well, really he's been walking for months...just with help. He will walk along the edge of the sofa and stretch his arms out as far as they go so he can reach the chair, walk along the chair, and then do it again. A couple weeks ago, Grandma Ryon got him to stumble forward toward me for a few steps. Today Caleb took his first "I'm in the middle of the room by myself and I'm stopping not falling" steps. Way to go!

In other news, Caleb also took his first tumble off of the changing table today. Caleb doesn't like to limit his crawling, climbing, squirming, wiggling, and walking to the floor. Thankfully he ricocheted off my leg before hitting the floor and no serious harm was done.

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