Monday, March 22, 2010

15 pages a day

Normally reading only 15 pages a day from a book would require strict rationing. If I really love the book, I don't think I'd be able to limit myself to just 15 pages a day. I'd carry it with me to read in my free moments. I'd kick back on the sofa and enjoy it during my free time. I'd have to force myself to turn out the light at night, knowing morning would be coming all too soon. I might even forget to eat (although that is not at all likely at the moment).

Unfortunately, my appetite for reading my long-time favorite book is satiated much easier than what I just described. I even make excuses not to read it. In January, tired of these excuses, I decided to read the Bible cover-to-cover, 15 pages a day. I finished reading last week.

Through this personal challenge, I learned...
  • I have more time than I thought I had. I need to choose to spend my time well and have a plan B (as well as plan c, d, e...) when my day doesn't go as I thought it would. This usually means giving up something I really wanted to get done.
  • Reading the same thing again may seem futile at times, but God is faithful. He has again revealed his character (especially his patience and faithfulness) through his actions in the Bible and increased my desire to know him even more.
  • Reading the Bible doesn't have to be a solitary, quiet, solemn activity. While it may be nice to sit with a cup of tea while the sun streams in the window to read and ponder the deep truths in the Bible, God is powerful and can speak in between readings of Curious George or The Jesus Storybook Bible.
  • Reading more than what is easy for me left less time for intentional reflection and prayer. Some days these activities spilled over into cooking dinner, tickle fests, and driving the car. Unfortunately on other days, I checked my reading off my to-do list and went on with my own agenda and concerns. I'm praying to see God's strength and grace at work in these areas of my life, especially over then next few months when I know focus and alertness will be a challenge.
There's nothing magical about 15 pages a day; I'm not recommending a "15 pages a day to change your life" Bible-reading regimen. There is something powerful in allowing God's Word access to your heart and life. I highly recommend it.


Nancy H. said...

Congrats, Deborah! That's really exciting! I had contemplated doing the "Bible in 90 days" thing but chickened doing 25 chapters a week with a friend so it'll take approx. 3x as long but I think I'll make it to the end :) I've never made it all the way through, cover to cover, so I've been really excited about it :)

It's funny...I've been "surprised" at how encouraged I've been by reading the Old Testament! I have really, really enjoyed it.

So cool to hear that God has (not surprisingly!) been using it in your life!

Karen said...


I'm so happy to hear you completed the reading plan you set out to do, and that you were able to stay the course. I meant to ask you about it today, but forgot. Gee, I wonder how that could have happened?!?

Can't wait to meet your new little girl after her arrival :)