Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sophia’s new room

2012 October 065

2012 October 058

When Grandma stayed with us this summer and Sophia cried over loaning her rocker to Grandma, I knew it was time to move quickly and get Sophia out of the nursery and into her own room before she felt any jealousy over the baby taking her room

Moving “quickly” meant several coats of paint on the walls and trim, new blinds and window treatments, a shelf for her books and stuffed animals, a letter for her wall, and a few pictures to make it her own.

Now that she’s been in her room several months, the nursery is no longer Sophia’s old room, but the baby’s room, and Sophia loves the simple decorations on her walls and bed. 

1 comment:

KH said...

How did you do the silhouette pictures? What a great idea!