Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Captive Audience

During the past few years, I haven't played the piano all that often, partly due to lack of time and energy, but also due to a lack of audience. And since I feel guilty indulging in a hobby that is completely self-serving, my piano hasn't gotten a heavy workout for quite some time. I have a captive audience! Caleb can't run away screaming from the sound of my piano giving my out of shape fingers a workout or from my fingers working out a new piece of music. In fact, Caleb seems to enjoy live music. It's one way I've found of calming him down when he's not tired, not hungry, not dirty--just cranky. He can be in full bore crying and after a few measures of music, he's quiet. Needless to say, I am enjoying playing the piano, as well as being able to calm my crying son!


bartiste said...

Yahoo! That makes me happy for you!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible gift you are giving Caleb through your talent. Do you know HOW MUCH I WISH I WOULD OF LISTENED to my accomplished pianist mother who TRIED to teach me??!! The years of practice are paying off in the musical nuturing you're able to share with your son:-)!! What an incredible GIFT! Praying for you...Mrs. Swartzendruber:-)