Friday, April 23, 2010


This week, our family experienced a lot of firsts:

-First time opening her eyes, using her lungs, etc.
-First word (Her first cry seriously sounded like, "Mmaaaa Mmaaa!!!"
-First doctor's appointment (They confirmed, "Yep, she's a healthy newborn. Whew, I wasn't sure what I had for a bit....")
-First church service (As usual, she wanted to help with the prayer time.)
-First time down a slide

-First time climbing the sloped rock wall at the park (I love how excited he gets when he reaches the top.)
-First time sharing toys with his baby sister (I love the tiny seeds of thoughtfulness and generosity growing in his heart.)
-First time waking up to someone else crying

-First time carrying two kids at once (This was old hat for Deborah.)

-First time walking to the playground with 2 kids
-First time figuring out what order to put multiple kids in the car and take them out of the car (At this point, I think the most mobile kid goes in first and comes out last.)

Luke's been able to take time away from work this week, which has been wonderful. Next week I'm sure there will be many other firsts when he heads back to work and the kids outnumber me all. day. long.

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