Thursday, August 26, 2010


Caleb’s idea of helping:

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We’ve been working in our backyard recently to prepare for the removal of one of our trees.  The tree has been dying slowly, and instead of taking it out piece by piece, we’re just going to have it removed altogether.  Caleb has been excited to “help.”  (He’s using his snow shovel for the job.) I don’t think he’ll be nearly as excited when he realizes his swing will have to be removed and relocated to a less optimal limb. 

We’ve taken out a retaining wall around the tree, transplanted hostas, and moved dirt so we can grind down as much of the stump as possible.  As Caleb was helping Luke move dirt, he discovered a toad and proceeded to chase it until Luke helped it find the fence  line.

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Oh, and I take no credit for Caleb’s fashion statement.  Polo and gym shorts—I hear it's all the rage in the 2-year-old crowd.

By the way, if you have a use for 60 retaining wall blocks, contact us.  We have some for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What color?-Andi