Sunday, August 8, 2010

Milk Theology

Caleb and I have had many conversations lately that go something like this:

[Caleb is pulling on the refrigerator door handle with the weight of his entire body and screaming like that annoying, undisciplined child in the store who didn’t get the candy he wanted.  Then he collapses onto the floor in a heap.]

Caleb: Mwaaaahhhhhh!  Waah-aah.  Waaaaaaa-waaaaaaaah!!

Me: Caleb, what’s wrong?  What do you need? 


Me: Do you want some milk?

Caleb (nodding his head):  Waahh-ahh  (hiccup)

Me: How do you ask for milk?

Caleb: Milk. Pease. Waa. (hiccup)

Me: I know you need milk.  I already poured it for you.  It’s on the table.  Go sit in your chair so we can eat breakfast and have milk.

- - -

This scenario reminds me of Jesus’ teaching about prayer.  “Your father knows what you need before you ask him.”  It’s a good reminder for me to trust God when I don’t see any possible solution.  I may not see it, but God does. 

It also serves as a reminder that God has reasons for telling us to ask him for what we need.  I could give Caleb his milk without making him ask for it.  But I want him to learn something through the process.  Polite behavior.  Communication skills.  Self-control. Gratitude.  All things that will be beneficial and useful in his future.  I’m glad God has my best in mind, and not just the immediate need that I see.   

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On other days, a similar scenario plays out in our kitchen:

“Mil(k). Milk! Milk!! MIlk!! MILK!!! MIIIILK!!!!”

“Caleb, how do you politely ask?”

“Milk. Pease.”

“Caleb, I know you’d like milk right now, but you need to wait until we eat breakfast.”

“Mil(k). Milk! Milk!! MIlk!! MILK!!! MIIIILK!!!!”

- - -

The whole concept of waiting is very difficult for a toddler to grasp.  Sadly, I see many similarities in myself when I ask God for something and I don’t get it right away. Again, I have good reason in asking Caleb to wait.  I trust that God has good reason in asking me to wait as well.  

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And one last scenario:

Caleb (in a high-pitched, irritating, nasal voice): “mweh mweh beol gobbledygook”

Me: Caleb, you’re whining. I can’t understand you when you whine.  God understands you when you cry like that, but Mama doesn’t. 

Thankfully, God isn’t like me. 

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I’m thankful God continues to reveal himself and his ways through daily events like these.  They may not fit your standard Christianesque devotion, quiet time thingy, and they may not be deeply profound insights.  But they remind me that there’s more to life than pouring milk.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love it! I need to ask God to open my eyes to the everyday lessons and examples He is revealing to me. So glad we are on this journey together. :)