Saturday, January 29, 2011


Explaining attributes of an omniscient, loving Creator God to a two year old can be a challenge.  But a challenge that I think will pay off—both in my life and in Caleb’s.  The other day Caleb opened my Bible and pretending to read, said, “God loves me.  God loves Mommy.  God loves Sophia.”  Then he closed the Bible and was off to play some more.  Yes!  You’re getting it!  The God of the universe loves you.  Incredible, isn’t it? 

As I tried to explain to Caleb how God is “Daddy” to those who believe him, I came up with a few similarities between Father God and an earthly father.

A Daddy:

A son:

  • often looks like his father.
  • mimics his father.
  • obeys his Father (or rebels against him). 
  • clings to his Daddy in uncomfortable or scary situations.
  • belongs. Ephesians 1:4-5

What do you have to add to my list? 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Good list.

Maybe add: Desires to know and be known