Friday, January 14, 2011

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

This is how I retold the story to Caleb this week.

The supplies:

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Eddie, the Little People Mechanic from the Racing Ramps Garage, A.K.A. the blind man:

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Once there was a man who had been blind since he was a tiny little baby.  When someone is blind, it means their eyes are broken.  Could he see his Mama? (no) the sky? (no) the tree? (no) the snow? (no) books? (no) food? (no) He couldn’t see anything

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One day, Jesus and his friends met this blind man.  Jesus told him, “You are blind so that God’s glory would be revealed.”  Then Jesus spat in the dirt and made some mud.  He rubbed the mud on the man’s eyes.

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Then he said, “Go, wash in the pool.”

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The blind man did what Jesus said. He believed Jesus. And then he could see.  “I once was blind but now I see!” Jesus had fixed his broken eyes! 

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Then sing the first verse of Amazing Grace:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound

that saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now am found,

was blind but now I see.

Source material: John 9, The Big Picture Story Bible

Themes I’ve been mulling over as we retold (and re-retold) the story:

  • Jesus heals.
  • Believe: Jesus is the Son of God.
  • Miracles may require obedience.
  • I may experience pain in order that God’s glory will be revealed.   
  • Beware of assuming insight or knowledge when I have none.


Julie said...

When I grow up...I want to be like you!

Karen H said...

Wow. Did you come up with that demo on your own? So creative!