Monday, February 14, 2011

10 months

Sophia is growing up!  She’s not a little baby anymore.  She’s…

  • Climbing stairs.  After looking longingly at the stairs for several days, she decided she’d start climbing them.  And she was off.  Once she decides to do something, watch out!
  • Saying momma, dada. (I love it when we’re eating dinner and Sophia hears Luke open the garage door.  She whips her head around looking for Luke and says, “Dada!” The other day, Luke and Sophia were at the table, and I went down to open the garage door just so Luke could hear her say it.  It didn’t matter that he was right there, she still squealed, “Dada!”)
  • Fighting to keep her toys when Caleb tries to take them.
  • Charming librarians.
  • Hiding in closets.  One of her favorite games is “hide and seek.”  She loves to hide in closets with Caleb, loves to hide in closets without Caleb.  Just say “boo” every once in a while. 
  • Sleeping at night (kind of sort of).  She slept past 5 am 2 nights in a row (during which Caleb was up a lot coughing), and now she has a cough and is waking up a lot again.  One of these days I’ll get a full night’s sleep.  At least the post-Christmas-wake-up—five-times-a-night is over! 
  • Eating lots of bread.  I’m not sure what to do with a picky eater.  She likes to pick up her food herself, but she doesn’t like anything too difficult to chew or swallow.  
  • Loving to snuggle.  201102 February 120201102 February 122

I’m sure I’m missing all sorts of cute and new things she’s doing now, but that all I can think of at the moment.  I’m glad you’re part of our family, Sophia!

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1 comment:

Karen H said...

I know what you mean about the picky eater. If you come up with any great ideas, let me know!