Friday, February 4, 2011

Letter E

The creativity is low and the snow is high this week, so our letter E activities have been pretty skimpy. 

Attribute of God: God has Ears (in the figurative sense). He hears.   Psalm 4:3; 1 John 5:14

Sure we could have done eternal or Emmanuel, but ears seemed more manageable for someone whose concept of time consists of “Saturdays are days Daddy stays home” and “Bedtime is when we put PJs on.”  And we can wait for Emmanuel until the letter I and spell it “Immanuel.”

Story: Elijah (focused on when he built the alter and God heard his prayer)

Craft: Glue pieces of “fire” to Elijah’s alter to God, not to the alter built for Baal.  

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I totally stole this idea from Caleb’s Sunday school class.  He’s already done this activity, but it’s been awhile so I figured it’d be good review since he’s not overly familiar with the story.  It also fit in well with the theme that “God hears us.”

Common vocab: elephant, egg, envelope, ear

People We Know: Great-Grandma Etcher, Erica

We also hard-boiled an egg so we could look at the different parts, but Caleb was not at all interested in eating it, so that was a flop.

If you have ideas to add, please do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might add things you enjoy, eating, and egg plant.