Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letter G

Parks in November, puddle jumping in February.  Can’t complain about this winter weather!

201102 February 187

201102 February 175

Attribute of God: Good.

Bible Story: Not really a story per se. One morning at breakfast I paraphrased Psalm 136 and had Caleb shout, “God is good” every time “His love endures forever” is repeated in the psalm.  Then we talked about some of the ways God has been good to us and continued to repeat “God is good!”

Song: Village Church—God is Good (I’m not sure where I heard about this (possibly this blog post), but it’s a free download, so check it out.) The song spells out g-o-o-d, so I quickly drew the letters on paper and had Caleb jump/run over the letters as we listened/sang the song. 

Common vocabulary: grapes, grapefruit, granola bars, gorillas, giraffes, grass, grasshoppers, grin, giggle, girl

Art/craft: We made a Valentine for Daddy and attempted one for Grandpa and Grandma.  Grandpa and Grandma’s got cut to smithereens.  Let’s just say Caleb was more interested in the scissors than in expressing himself with hearts and glue. 

Books: We checked out several books about gorillas and giraffes from the library. 

Activity: Make granola bars.

People: Grandpa and Grandma, Griffin

Give: 1)A meal for baby Griffin where we also got to meet Gatsby the Great Dane! 2)Granola bars for our garbage pick-up people.  The look on the guy’s face when he picked up the gift bag on top of our garbage can was hilarious!

I’d like to do more in the giving/serving category each we as trek through the alphabet, but I’m having a hard time coming up with ideas that aren’t cheesy and that would actually encourage people.  Any requests?  Any ideas for H or beyond?

1 comment:

Erica said...

Loving the pics and letter weeks! Well, ya gotta do "help" for H, I'd think. Or helping hand, but that gets a little cheesy, perhaps. :D Possible ways to help people, esp. neighbors--pick up sticks in yards, rake leaves, get mail from the curb for an elderly lady or pick up milk from the store for her, offer to watch a kid or two after school for an hour, wash someone's windows or car, bring in garbage cans from the curb, offer to return books to the library, I dunno. Trying to think of kid-friendly stuff. The letter I could be about selfishness/selflessness, and you could think about service in that regard. J? Umm, WWJD? K? Kindness. L, love. P, politeness, T, teamwork, R, respect, U, useful, W, work. Hmm, maybe your week has the ABCs--Attribute of God, Bible story, and character trait. Or maybe it's just a service/giving category, as you said. Just some random thoughts. Love to you all! One of these days, maybe I'll write an actual email! :D