Monday, March 17, 2008


Not too often to I dare to delve into the realm of writing poetry. Something about it is highly intimidating. But when I teach a poetry unit to my students, I have to try. So here's an attempt to create a found poem from the text I found on a package of clothespins. The text was so unbelievable in itself, I couldn't resist manipulating it even more.


Rumpled-up life
Spritz it
Run over it
Wrinkles vanish and
Everything’s new.

Do I have to be
run over
by a hot iron
before I get a
new life?

And now for attempt #2:
"Ironing Magic"

Rumpled up wrinkles

Yesterday vanishes.

look fresh
feel sharp
For the world.

The magic of Home.


And now you know why I don't write poetry....

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