Monday, January 26, 2009

Grocery Poll Follow-Up

Several years ago, Luke and I went through a Good Sense Budget Course with our ABF at church. It has been the best study we've gone done on the topic of money. It's both practical and principled. But I'm not planning to do a review of the course today. The Good Sense workbook had some interesting information about food costs. As I have written about all too frequently lately, it's taken me several years to figure out where our food spending should be. This information was helpful to me during that process. Maybe you'll find it interesting as well. According to the USDA Center for Nutrition in October of 2000, a thrifty family of 2 spent $248 per month on food while a liberal family of 2 spent $475.

And I'll leave it at that. I don't think I can possible write more about grocery shopping than I already have. Well, I probably could, but I don't want to write it, and you don't want to read it.

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