Saturday, May 3, 2008

Juno Quotes Shakespeare

Last night, in an attempt to get in some exercise and some relaxation, we walked to the video store and back and then lazed around for several hours watching the movie Juno. Not a bad way to spend a Friday evening. Overall I enjoyed the film, even in spite of it's crass and inappropriate sections. I won't retell the entire plot or analyze the characters (it is the weekend after all), but I found the climactic speech interesting enough to comment on. At one point in the film, the main character becomes disillusioned with life and asks her ex-military, HVAC-technician, divorced-and-remarried, tough-guy dad, "Can two people ever love each other for a lifetime?" Then this ex-military, HVAC-technician, divorced-and-remarried, tough-guy dad responds by summarizing what Shakespeare wrote in Sonnet 130 in an ex-military, HVAC-technician, divorced-and-remarried, tough-guy sort of way. His answer? (To paraphrase...) Love works when you love someone in spite of and because of who they really are, even in their worst moments. This answer of course brings an epiphany to Juno, and she lives happily ever after--in a surprisingly fairy-tale like manner for a movie that intentionally highlighted the fact that life is not (nor can it ever resemble) a fairy tale.

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