Wednesday, May 7, 2008


A random assortment of "thankfuls" including the mundane and daily (but holy) occurrences and the spectacularly divine (yet daily) actions.

I'm thankful...
...for a grill that cooks tasty gyro meat and doesn't leave all the nasty fat in my broiler pan.
...for my husband's T-shirts that still fit (me).
...for the ability to laugh at the fake babies they have at prenatal classes.
...for the chance to hold a week-old baby and see her preciousness.
...that I'm caught up in my grading and lesson planning.
...for youtube and it's helpfulness in lesson planning.
...for yummy summer food.
...for warm sunshine and warm breezes.
...for the work I did over spring break that is paying off huge dividends now.
...for friends who maintain blogs.
...for the ability to cry and release emotion.
...for old and new God-exalting hymns like "How Deep the Father's Love for Us."
...for the guy who carried a new propane tank to the trunk of my car.
...that today was the first day a relative stranger touched my prego belly.
...that only one person consistently tells me I look tired.
...for the stretches and wiggles that show my prego belly has a mind and life of its own.
...for coworkers who laugh.
...for time to prepare for the baby soon joining us.
...for the opportunity to serve students where I teach.
...for real and lasting hope in Jesus Christ, who keeps his promises and is always consistent and trustworthy.
...for Christ's ability to transform my self-centeredness to mind and heart set on Him alone.

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