Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Since most people want to hear and/or ask this question, I'll go ahead and answer it. Yes, I'm still pregnant. And he's definitely still kicking--especially right now!

Evidently the common practice around here is for doctor's to induce labor at 41 weeks. According to some estimations, I hit the 41 week mark today. So why am I still pregnant? Because I like to ask too many questions, I guess. We had a battery of tests done today. An ultrasound showing good levels of amniotic fluid (and a baby somewhere between 7 and 9 pounds). A non-stress test showing a responsive baby. A mom's body not ready to go into labor yet. So I had to ask the question: If the baby's healthy but not ready for birth, why should we induce? I could go on to rant about the reaction we received for even asking the question, but I'll refrain. Instead, I'm trying to focus on the facts as I see them. One, the God I know, who created and sustains the world and this little guy, is in charge. Two, I do not need to fear that I am thwarting God's perfect plan by asking such questions or that waiting 3 more days will harm my baby. If I had chosen to live in fear, I would have been a basketcase throughout this pregnancy. Three, I will give birth...eventually.

If I do not go into labor by Sunday night, we'll be heading to the hospital to start the induction process. In light of that, here's how I'm praying: 1) that God's will would be done in this situation (and in my mind and heart) as it is done in heaven--perfectly, immediately, without doubt 2) that I'd trust the God of the universe to continue his perfect provision, no matter what happens 3) that God would continue to give this baby life and (practice) breath and everything else he needs 4) that I'd go into labor naturally before Sunday night and 5) that if I do need to be induced, I wouldn't fear the worst.

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