Friday, May 23, 2008


Today was my last day of work, and I'm really glad I knew it would be my last because it helped me to celebrate. I celebrated not only that I get to move on to something new, but also that I was able to have this amazing teaching job for several years. In many ways, I had my dream job this past year.

I celebrated by...
...not writing any demerit slips.
...joking around more with students, which I don't do often enough. This was probably aided by the fact that I didn't get much sleep last night. So when one student came into work on his poster project this morning and needed tape, I offered him "scotch," which typically would mean I wanted to lose my job. For more poor "teacher" humor, call...
...taking more time out of my day to chat with co-workers. I work with some really great people. And besides that, they're really good at the whole teaching thing.

Talk about a party, huh? So maybe it was more that I was celebrating, even as I did the usual--taking attendance, collecting papers, grading papers, recording grades, redirecting students, giving instructions, etc. But it was a fun day--a day of lasts that makes me wonder how much of it will last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EEEEEEK I'm so excited to hear about Caleb and even though you haven't blogged about him yet and I can't comment on the appropriate entry, I just had to say YAYYYYYYY! Congratulations, Mom and Dad! Way to go, Mom! :)

And, Deborah, I didn't know that you were a blogger! I have been sitting here for the past 15 minutes reading your old posts and just laughing as I "hear" your voice and appreciating your perfect grammar, punctuation, and word usage! I love it!