Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5 Months

201009 September 072

Sophia is at the stage right now where she’s starting to scoot along the floor by means of pushing herself backwards, rolling, and turning.  The problem is that it’s usually in the opposite direction of where she wants to go.  She also loves to stand up and support herself (if you’ll help her balance).  She likes to get a good grip on whatever is in her reach and pull it to her mouth.  That’s great when we give her a spoon to play with during dinner.  Not so great when it’s my hair or the book Caleb and I are reading.  Sophia can sleep through the night if nothing is bothering her, but it’s still more of a pleasant surprise than a regular occurrence.

201009 September 102 

201009 September 081

A few things I forgot to mention in my rush to post yesterday:

  • Favorite new game-peekaboo
  • Favorite new toy-the carrot on the bouncer (see above pic)
  • Number of teeth currently visible-2
  • Number of times she typically eats in a day-5
  • Number of diaper changes-nevermind
  • Number of smiles-countless

1 comment:

GodsGirl said...

Wow! She really looks like Caleb in the second picture.