Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Caleb heard about Jonah at church this past Sunday.  This is also a story he’s heard at home, and he’s retained the storyline because the it has so much familiar and concrete vocabulary.  So this is how we retold the story this past Sunday afternoon.

201009 September 120 There was a man named Jonah who said “no” to God and ran away from God.

201009 September 118 There was a big storm (sound effects required), and Jonah went splash into the water. Along came a bi-i-ig fish.

201009 September 112

The fish ate Jonah. yom. yom. yom. Jonah was in the fish’s belly, and he told God, “I’m sorry.”

201009 September 117

Then the fish spat Jonah out.  Blah.  Then Jonah said “yes” to God and obeyed God. 

Ok, so a few details are missing.  We’ll work on adding details as Caleb adds vocabulary. 

Kudos to a great Sunday School activity, though.  I think Jonah got eaten by the big fish 25 times last Sunday alone.  Poor guy.  (I love how happy the fish looks too. It’s a nice, friendly fish who lures you in with a smile and then eats you.) ;) 

Caleb has also requested the “Jesus is Sleeping” story every morning for the past week.  I’ll have to save that retelling for another post. 


Julie said...

This is so awesome! Where did you get the "Jonah" and the fish?

Deborah said...

He brought them home from his Sunday school class. Isn't that great?